
Tuesday Apr 22, 2014
Atomic Robo RPG... FOR SCIENCE!! Mike Olson Interview
Tuesday Apr 22, 2014
Tuesday Apr 22, 2014

Wednesday Mar 26, 2014
Brian Engard talks Venture City Stories, Wild Blue, Fate Core, and much, much more!
Wednesday Mar 26, 2014
Wednesday Mar 26, 2014
RPG author and designer Brian Engard joins me to talk about tons of cool stuff. In particular, the new release Venture City Stories (link below) from Evil Hat Productions is covered in detail. Want to run superheroes in Fate Core? Check this product out! He also talks a bit about other Fate Core projects, including the Fate Worlds books (on sale now) and the upcoming Dresden Files Accelerated game. Very cool stuff.

Tuesday Mar 25, 2014
Tuesday Mar 25, 2014
Today, Jon Leitheusser and Steve Kenson were kind enough to join me to talk about some great stuff coming from Green Ronin! First off, we talk about the upcoming Green Ronin release of Icons: The Assembled Edition. Then, after waking up Jon Leitheusser, we discuss the latest Mutants and Masterminds offerings!

Thursday Oct 24, 2013
Green Ronin Summit 2013 Debriefing with Jon Leitheusser and Steve Kenson
Thursday Oct 24, 2013
Thursday Oct 24, 2013
Two of our favorite Green Ronin return to talk about this year's Green Ronin Summit, and their publishing schedule for the next 6 to 8 months. Topics of conversation include the business side of the summit, Mutants and Masterminds, Dragon Age, Song of Ice and Fire, and more! Many thanks again to Jon and Steve for their time, it's always a pleasure to sit down with them.

Friday Oct 11, 2013
Tianxia Kickstarter Draft Page is up! Check it out!
Friday Oct 11, 2013
Friday Oct 11, 2013
Thank you for tuning in to a very special Kickstarter episode of the Vigilance Press Podcast! We're talking with Jack Norris today, creator of Tianxia: Blood, Silk & Jade for the Fate Core System! We're going to talk about who we plan to involve in our stretch goals, a little bit about the setting, the Kung Fu rules, and more. We've got a lot to talk about, so forgive us if we ramble a bit.

Saturday Sep 14, 2013
Ryan Macklin talks MYTHENDER!
Saturday Sep 14, 2013
Saturday Sep 14, 2013

Monday Jun 03, 2013
Green Ronin's Donna Prior and the Freebooter Program!
Monday Jun 03, 2013
Monday Jun 03, 2013
Donna Prior, newly minted member of Green Ronin and front-runner of their new Freebooter program, joins us for an interview! We talk about the Freebooter program, a bit about girls and gaming, and generally how games are supposed to be fun. And Donna proves time and again that she has earned her gamer credentials!
If you're interested in signing up for the Freebooter program, check out the forum linked here!

Monday May 13, 2013
Campaign Creation and Iron Man 3!
Monday May 13, 2013
Monday May 13, 2013
We start this podcast off talking with Rick Jones and Tolly Gipson about campaign creation. The topic is the difference between "Episodic" campaigns which depend less on continuity from session to session, and more "Serial" campaigns which rely more on continuity. After that, and with (I hope) fair warning, we start up a spoiler-iffic review of the recent film Iron Man 3 and talk a little bit about Super Rescues! As always, we'd love to hear from you what you'd like so we can do more podcasts in that vein. Comment on our www.vigilancepress.com page, and let us know what you like! -James

Saturday Apr 27, 2013
DC Adventures Universe-Part Two!
Saturday Apr 27, 2013
Saturday Apr 27, 2013
Mutants and Masterminds Line Developer Jon Leitheusser stops by with authors Seth Johnson and Christopher McGlothlin to talk up the final book in the DC Adventures Role-Playing Game series: Universe! We talk about the first two chapters, the process of making the book, and our favorite bits and bobs. Enjoy!

Thursday Apr 25, 2013
DC Adventures Universe!
Thursday Apr 25, 2013
Thursday Apr 25, 2013
Mutants and Masterminds designer Steve Kenson and author Aaron Sullivan join me to talk about the fourth and final book in the DC Adventures Role-Playing game series: Universe! Join us to find out more of what's in the book, how the series came together, and more! Find the book available for Preorder and in PDF now at http://mutantsandmasterminds.com/! Download a preview PDF here!